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Sensory Learning Program

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Sensory Learning Program

The Sensory Learning Program is an approach to developmental learning that unites four modalities (auditory, visual, proprioceptive, and vestibular) into one 30-day drug-free intervention to improve attention, perception, understanding and the ability to learn.

Who is SLP for?

People with...​

  • Unexplained anxiety

  • Difficulty in learning new things easily

  • Difficulty with social skills

  • ADD/ADHD symptoms

  • Developmental delays

  • Acquired Brain Injury

  • Non-Verbal Language Disorder

  • Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism

  • Brain-Integration or Brain Balance Problems



Individuals have experienced improved...​

  • Perception (both speed and ability)

  • Learning abilities

  • Processing time

  • Sleep patterns

  • Awareness and attention

  • Speech

  • Memory

  • Social skills

How The Program Works

Using simultaneous light, sound and movement therapy that takes place on a comforting and inviting therapeutic table, the program helps people integrate the sensory messages they receive through sight, sound, and their body.

The Sensory Learning Program is comprised of two 30-minute sessions each day for 12 consecutive days. The repetitive sensory activation of each session builds on the session before. After twelve days of sessions, you go home with a portable light instrument to continue the program, with a 20-minute session each morning and evening for the next 18 days.



Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

  • What are the benefits of the Sensory Learning Program?
    The overall benefits to our patients include improvement in perception of the world around them (more understandable and less scary), understanding instructions and what is expected of them in social situations and the ability to learn new things. We often see specific improvement in processing time, light/sound/tactile sensitivities, picky eating patterns, sleep patterns, awareness and attention, speech, memory, expression, and social skills.
  • Who responds to this intervention?
    People who tend to respond the best to this program are those who arrive with sensory overwhelm, unexplained anxiety, difficulty paying attention, sensitivities to light, sound or motion, delays in motor skills, irregular sleep/activity patterns and sensory processing issues.
  • What’s unique about the Sensory Learning Program?
    Most therapies concentrate on one, possibly two, treatment modalities at the same time. The Sensory Learning Program unites four modalities simultaneously (visual, auditory, proprioceptive, and vestibular systems) into one seamless and all encompassing experience. This allows the brain to more efficiently and more quickly integrate those senses to provide a foundation for all future trainings.
  • Can it be too much stimulation at once?
    Absolutely not! By stimulating the well-developed sensory systems along with the more disorganized sensory systems, the Sensory Learning Program provides an overall experience that is often gentler and more easily integrated than singularly focused interventions. Because we do not experience life by just seeing it or just hearing it, the Sensory Learning Program provides a more thorough approach to developmental learning than individual therapies do alone.
  • How long before you see results?
    Subtle changes are often seen immediately. Many participants experience significant results during the initial twelve days. Others see changes in cumulative skills unfolding over the following weeks or months.
  • Are the benefits lasting or must the process be repeated?
    Because the benefits gained are lasting, the Sensory Learning Program is typically a one-time intervention. Occasionally, patients will return for another round of treatment if they have suffered a brain injury such as a car accident, falling down the stairs, exposure to mold or other toxins and infections that have caused significant brain inflammation.
  • My child does not like to cooperate with other therapists, would the Sensory Learning Program work for him or her?
    In most cases, yes. Since the Sensory Learning Program takes a noncognitive approach to brain integration, the only requirements are that your child is able to stay on a moving table (which rotates up and down a bit like a swing), keep a pair of headphones on his ears and gaze at a light in a dark room. When his attention starts to lag, our technicians will be standing by to help bring his attention back to the light by using glow-in-the-dark toys and gentle reminders.
  • Can I get a trial run on the Sensory Learning Table to see if my child will be able to do the program?
    Yes, in fact, we prefer that you or your child experience the Sensory Learning Program to ensure that it is a good fit. This occurs during the complimentary consult. Many times, we have difficulty getting people off the table because they like it so much! Come and experience it yourself by calling the number above.

SLP Treatment Plan

  • Sensory Learning Program: a 12-day in-office program with 18 days of home support intended to build and strengthen the neurologic foundation and to decrease the fight-or-flight response to the environment ​

  • Structural Energetic Therapy: a gentle manual therapy intended to ensure that the structures of the skull, spine and surrounding tissues are balanced and that the flow of cerebral spinal fluid, which is responsible for inflow of nutrients and outflow of wastes from the brain as efficiently as possible 

  • Emotional Health Facilitation: an excellent program to help reduce or remove emotional triggers that are keeping your child from experiencing a full recovery from the other therapies​

  • Thermotherapy: a program of far infrared and negative ions to help increase circulation, promote relaxation and restful sleep, and support the immune system​

  • Ionizing Foot Bath: a medical-grade foot bath that provides both negative and positive ions to help increase positive ionic stimulation to help push toxins out of the body​

  • Nutritional Status discussion: a program that will go over the results of the nutritional, metabolic and infectious status of the child and discuss treatment options (including referral to different providers when necessary)

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